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Welcome to Food Lab
We Make You the Hero in the Kitchen

We offer interactive cooking classes for kids, corporate team-building events, and the public. Join our 3-hour hands-on classes and become part of a community that celebrates the joy of cooking together. Whether you're here to learn, bond, or just have fun, there's a place for everyone at Food Lab.

  • Denver Food Lab Win Free Classes!

    Follow us on Insatgram and Join Our Newsletter to win a free Private Event at our soon to be open Denver location!

  • Kids Summer Camp Release

    Looking into summer plans? It’s time to book your Summer Camps. 9am-12pm and 1-4pm sessions all summer long!

  • Family Easter Brunch

    Perfect for families to cook together (ages 8 + up!)

  • Pairing Summer Foods w Sundry!

    We are excited to partner with local wine shop, Sundry for this one! Learn some paring methods as you cook.

  • Cooking Classes

    Grab a date or a friend, your family or join us solo, this is a perfect evening out! Take a look at our upcoming classes to join, or contact us for a corporate event. We look forward to seeing you in the kitchen.

  • Team Building

    “An even playing field” is what we have heard some refer to our Team Building Events as! Bring your team in for some cooking, eating and drinking. We promise this will be an event for the books!

  • Kids Classes

    We have many options for the young ones. From days off school and after school series to summer camps and birthday parties, we got you. Check out our offerings and contact us with any questions!