Sweet Potato Gratin


A take on the classic, this layered sweet potato goodness is fulfilling and makes you want more and more. If you are not into the poblano, since they can sometimes lend spice to a dish, swap for red bell pepper or omit all together.

1 sweet potato, sliced thin
1 red onion, sliced thin (a few sliced reserved)
1 poblano pepper
2 cups shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
1 cup milk
1 cup of broth
1 lime
1 jalapeno, seeded and diced

  1. Heat oven to 400. Place pepper in the oven and let cook for 15 minutes or until it is puffing. Remove, place in a plastic bag to help steam the skin off. When cool enough, remove from the bag and peel skin. Remove top and seeds and slice into strips.

  2. In an oven safe pyrex or casserole dish, 9 x 9 or bigger, begin layering, one layer at a time Sweet potatoes, onion, cheese, pepper, salt and pepper,  sweet potatoes, onion, cheese, peppers, salt and pepper,  sweet potato. Reserve some cheese for last 15 minutes of cooking.

  3. Fill with milk and broth, cover tightly with foil and bake for 45 minutes.

  4. Remove foil and sprinkle more cheese on top for lat 15. Take reserved few slices of onion, dice and toss in a small bowl with lime and jalapeno. Salt and serve on the side as a topping. 

Serve warm.

Casey Easton
Cooking classes, cooking school, event space

Garlic Pasta

